
Pencil animation music video
Pencil animation music video

This also began an era of music videos being used to help promote and advertise the artist’s new songs or albums. This made history as being the world’s first 24 hour dedicated music video channel, along with helping the song’s artist The Buggles reach new levels of fame.

pencil animation music video

The first video MTV premiered in 1981 was ‘Video Killed the Radio Star’. The next step in music video history was the introduction of MTV, which stood for ‘Music Television’. Another important step in music video history, was The Beatle’s ‘Paperback Writer’ which started staying from music videos being primarily live performances, and instead ventured further into the music video being a cinematic and more film-like medium. The first music video ever premiered on television is considered to be The Beatles’ \We Can Work it Out’. Though it’s not considered typical animation, this video makes use of live manipulation of paint, cutouts and other props. This video is also important in that it used physical moving images to add to the visuals. It was the first video to sync music to live action footage of the performer. The earliest forms of ‘music videos’ existed in the form of short musical films, and one of the most important videos of this era was ‘Crying for the Carolines’ of the Spooney Melodies series, released in the 1930s. Before beginning to understand the nuances of modern music videos, it’s important to understand the history and foundations that allowed music videos and similar media to remain popular and culturally wide-spread today.

Pencil animation music video